Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Our tickets are purchased!  We will be flying into Kampala, Uganda, on September 9th and staying through November 1st.

As we are beginning to map out our trip, we both are committed to surrendering and listening deeply within for what is God’s direction for us.   In this surrendering process, we each have a particular experience to share. 

Initially, we didn’t know where we were going to go in Africa - just Central Africa.  We knew we were being called and that’s all.  We thought of Burundi, Rwanda and Sudan because some of our friends, from these countries, are  members in our church.  Recent unrest in Burundi and Sudan has made travel there questionable.

A few weeks ago, we travelled to meet with Chuck and Beth Bradshaw.  They were in Cambridge, Massachusetts on leave during a three year mission posting in Mityana, Uganda.  

As we listened to them tell of  their work in Mityana, we heard stories of their experiences and of their network of people there.  We each felt a growing affirmation that this was to be our home base.  It seemed clear that God was guiding us to benefit from the network of drivers, translators etc. 

Madame Victoria runs a small school and orphanage about two kilometers from Mityana.  She accepts guests in her home and orphanage and this seems like a good place for us to stay.

We are continuing to learn what this trip is to be as we explore opportunities in Mityana as well as in Rwanda, Kenya and Burundi.

 In our preparation for the pilgrimage to Africa, I was brought back to my trips to India and the process of surrendering into an entirely different culture to honor the customs as best as I could.  I didn’t realize until now, how significant this experience was.  

On my initial visit, I would walk down the streets and view all of the poverty and filth.  It was a sensory overload.  Initially, I just shut down and didn’t even want to go out of the compound.  That didn’t work, so I began to slowly accept it all as it is.  Then, I began to realize something entirely different.  I realized the native people had a light in their eyes and a genuine happiness with so little. I began to appreciate these lovely people for who and what they are.  They became my teachers in so many ways.  I learned the power and strength in surrender.

I returned each year for four months, for almost 20 years.  It completely changed the way I lived my life.  I didn’t realize all of the many ways it had deeply affected me until I began to prepare, spiritually, for our mission to Africa.  It  is my prayer and intention that this same wisdom and strength be present with us on this mission.  


  1. It sounds like your journey is already beginning. I too recall the deep surrendering that occurred for me in preparation for India's spiritual pilgrimage. It's a wonderful opportunity to deepen our capacity for love. What an incredible journey you are on.

  2. I so appreciate how you both are sharing your deep feelings with all of us and I know this spirit will carry over to whoever you encounter. They will love you as we do.

  3. Dear One, as you have always ... Been The Truth, Lived The Truth, and Shared The Truth ... feeling this journey as a continuation of what aspect-Elizabeth does ... what aspect-Elizabeth Is. Keep on Being ... who you're Being ... Whole-heartedly. I look forward to experiencing your experience as you share your account.

  4. many thanks, dear ones, for sharing! (how interesting that the Bradshaws were ministers to our sister, Wendy (God works His plan to make our lives intertwine for His benefit..amazing His gentle yet powerful strength!)..I so recall what you describe, Elizabeth, as a process of initial overload at all that I saw before my eyes, in Bolivia, in Peru, in Haiti and the DR. But my heart saw much, much more, thankfully. YES...the deep life lessons I learned from those with "nothing" has blessed me in ways that are stunning. "God uses the weak to (enrich and) humble the poor" How this journey is and will continue to bless you and all of us..thanks be to you...thanks be to our precious and loving God!

  5. "God uses the poor to humble the rich"

  6. This is so amazing and then in another sense not at all as I feel you following the "path" of what is "simply so". A wondrous and significant time for you both separately and together - thank you for sharing. Love you.

  7. Many years ago, my first spiritual teacher shared with me that as we travel through this physical universe, we are also traveling on an inner journey. It sounds like your adventure has already begun. Many blessings to you both and to all the lives you touch.

  8. Thank you for sharing the growth and surrender that is already happening as you prepare for this journey. I know that as you move into this journey, outwardly and inwardly, the people you meet and the experiences you have will deepen what is already a great and generous spirit. Love and blessings to you both as your journey continues.
