Sunday, October 2, 2016

Being With …

We have been in several situations where we were able to be with the folks of all ages here in Mityana, Uganda.

Steve gave a workshop to a group of Lay Readers.  These are folks who are trained to be with their village as a substitute for the Reverend that comes once a month.  They are quite brave to be taking on this responsibility, of conducting the Sunday service and counseling the folks in their village, but they realize that someone has to do it.  He drew a bucket on the board with a hole in it and all of the water is pouring out, saying this is what happens when we just keep giving and giving and not taking care of ourselves.  Then, he drew another diagram of a reservoir where the water comes in, fills up the land and spills over at the top.  Here we are always filled up as we serve.  The question was, “How do we fill ourselves up?”   He finished with a Taize chant, “Come and Fill Our Hearts,”  which they all joined in.  

We both joined a primary school one morning and had a wonderful time with them.  I started with this game.  The ball had velcro on it and the two pads both had the sticky side, so when you threw the ball the pad caught it and it stuck to it.  As we threw it back and forth, I said things like, “Stick to Jesus,”  “He is always in our Hearts,”  and when the ball dropped, “It’s ok just pick it up and come back to Jesus.”  They loved the game and the message.  Steve and I acted out the woman that touched the hem of Jesus’ cloak, and how important it is to reach out to Him with whatever is happening to us.  We ended with teaching them, “This Little Light of Mine.”    What fun!
Here are the children:

There is a group here in Africa called “The Women’s Union.”  Where mothers and married women work together in whatever situations arise for them.  We were given an opportunity to sit in one of their workshops, had lunch with them, and they wanted us to share.  Steve spoke of our marriage and the commitment he has to support me no matter what.  They loved that! I spoke of how important it is to have support in raising children and supporting your husband and family.  I have to hand it to them.  There is so much they have to face day to day and the women here do it with such Grace.  Here is the group of women at the workshop:

Just yesterday, Steve did a workshop for the primary school chaplains.  He loved the opportunity to share his experience in working with children for so many years.  He is so happy to serve in any way he can while here.  

There are more opportunities to come and we are both available and blessed by whatever comes our way.

Now these are just some fun pictures …

This is a coffee plant for all of you coffee lovers.  These and the different banana trees are everywhere here.

Guess who's on this boda boda.  At first we had heard so much about the danger of these and we wouldn’t get on one.  It all depends on who is driving you.

I want you to meet the King of the Roost.  This guy governs all the chickens in our compound and wakes us up every morning.  Isn’t he a beauty?  When the Bradshaw’s had the opening ceremony, they gave one of these guys to the Bishop presiding.  It is the best gift to give someone you honor.

Sending a HUGE Hug,

Elizabeth & Steve


  1. Sending you much Love and holding you closely as you meet courageously with all these new experiences and challenges.

  2. active bearing witness, sharing and over flowing...... you fill us with your stories.... travel on with safety ... look forward to the next installment

    Stephen Joffe

  3. So admire what you and Steve have undertaken - really cool! And I couldn't think of two more perfect Hearts to be "doing it"...

    1. It's all about being aware of what is happening here and sharing it with you and others in this communication. Africa is a place where so much is going on (good and not so good) and we in the west do not know about it. So glad you are with us as One Heart.

  4. The combination of your words and photos is awakening in me deep empathy, compassion and love for you each AND for each of the beautiful beings you're coming in contact with. I am with you. It can be no other way.

    1. We are so blessed by these lovely warm hearts here in Uganda. So glad to know you are with us. We are both feeling the support from you. Thank you!
